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Bus Stops in Temecula, CA | Main FS Mercedes (City Hall), Sixth FS Front, Sixth NS Front, Moreno FS Front, Front 28360 ( US Post Office)...

1. Main FS Mercedes (City Hall)

2. Sixth FS Front

3. Sixth NS Front

4. Moreno FS Front

5. Front 28360 ( US Post Office)

6. Second FS Front

7. Front FS Rancho California

8. Front FS First

9. Front 28860 at Campinis Deli

10. Front NS First

11. Ynez FS Pauba Rd.

12. Front 28991 Opp Harley Davidson

13. Rancho California FS Ynez

14. Jefferson FS Del Rio

15. Rancho California FS Town Center

16. Rancho California 29676 NS Target Drive Way

17. Jefferson FS Del Rio

18. Rancho California NS Lyndie

19. Rancho Vista FS Mira Loma

20. Rancho California NS Lyndie

21. Jefferson FS Calle Cortez

22. Pauba FS Calle Ventura (Library)

About 'Temecula, CA, USA'

Temecula is a city in southwestern Riverside County, California, United States with a population of 100,097 according to the 2010 United States Census, making it the lowest populated American city over 100,000 population. Temecula is bordered by Murrieta on the northwest and the Pechanga Indian Reservation on the south, with unincorporated areas of Riverside County on all of its other borders. It was incorporated on December 1, 1989. It is served by Interstate 15 , Interstate 215 and California State Route 79 ..
Region for Temecula, CA, USA State: California (CA)
Population Rank for Temecula, CA, USA Population Rank # 275
Population for Temecula, CA, USA Population: 100097
Land Area for Temecula, CA, USA Land Area: 30.2 sq. miles
Population Density for Temecula, CA, USA Population Density: 3314.5 per sq. mile
Latitude Longitude for Temecula, CA, USA Lat: 33.4936391
Lng: -117.1483648

Map of Temecula, CA, USA

Street View of Temecula, CA, USA

Google Map showing Bus Stops in Temecula, CA:

1. Main FS Mercedes (City Hall)2. Sixth FS Front
3. Sixth NS Front4. Moreno FS Front
5. Front 28360 ( US Post Office)6. Second FS Front
7. Front FS Rancho California8. Front FS First
9. Front 28860 at Campinis Deli10. Front NS First
11. Ynez FS Pauba Rd.12. Front 28991 Opp Harley Davidson
13. Rancho California FS Ynez14. Jefferson FS Del Rio
15. Rancho California FS Town Center16. Rancho California 29676 NS Target Drive Way
17. Jefferson FS Del Rio18. Rancho California NS Lyndie
19. Rancho Vista FS Mira Loma20. Rancho California NS Lyndie
21. Jefferson FS Calle Cortez22. Pauba FS Calle Ventura (Library)

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